Using the ABA functionalities

In case you use the PyArg package python-argumentation, we provide below an example of some of its possibilities for Assumption-Based Argumentation (ABA).

The example below is Example 3.1 from: Toni, Francesca. A tutorial on assumption-based argumentation. Argument & Computation 5.1 (2014): 89-117.

from py_arg.aba_classes.rule import Rule
from py_arg.aba_classes.aba_framework import ABAF
from py_arg.aba_classes.semantics import get_preferred_extensions

language = {'happy',
rules = {Rule('Rule1', {'good_food', 'eating'}, 'happy'),
         Rule('Rule2', set(), 'good_food'),
         Rule('Rule3', {'no_fork', 'dirty_hands'}, 'not_eating')}
assumptions = {'eating', 'no_fork', 'dirty_hands'}
contraries = {'eating': 'not_eating',
              'no_fork': 'fork',
              'dirty_hands': 'clean_hands'}

# Construct the framework
aba_framework = ABAF(assumptions, rules, language, contraries)

# Get preferred extensions
extensions = get_preferred_extensions.get_preferred_extensions(aba_framework)